We admit it! The best part of a musical life (other
than the music itself) is the simple fact that it
introduces you to awesome people and places.
Last April we shared with those we love:
- great food
- relaxing beaches
- a night of meringue
- mind-blowing sunsets
- evenings of song
- last-minute ironing &
- dangerously lengthy guffaws
The concerts had their moments too, such as when:
- the dressing room was locked
- Greg left the music backstage
- Liz called for spontaneous improvisational games
- we tangled our arms mid-performance (3x!)
- the audience stood during the piece to see what on earth we were doing
- we premiered our new Bach transcription in Sarasota
- the Saint-Saens went really, really well
All in all, we shared great music in great places with great people!