New score purchasing system

This is a biggie! After years of manually selling our scores one at a time by email, we've upgraded our site to handle instantaneous sales. The new system is far more secure, timely, and reliable.

We've also altered our discounts -- Order three or more scores and receive a 15% discount on your entire purchase -- Discount Code: 3DEAL. Order five or more scores and receive a 25% discount on your entire purchase -- Discount Code: 5DEAL. We truly appreciate your support!

We hope you like the new system as much as we do. Buy scores on the "Scores" page in the Anderson & Roe store.

Updated Schedule!

It's been a wildly exciting year... and we're finally getting around to updating the website. For now, check out our 2010-11 concert calendar. Also, see our individual pages for our solo schedules (we've got a lot to keep us busy in the next year!): and

Stay tuned for more updates, including: newspaper articles and reviews, two new videos (surprises, good surprises!), new scores for sale (including the long-awaited "Blue Danube Fantasy"), and the answers to some of your questions on the Discussion page.

En route to Cyprus

We're currently headed to Cyprus where we're premiering Nicolas Costantinou's "For Whom? -- Paraphrase and Additions on an Overly Played Tune." It's a fun, fantastic piece that we're excited to perform, and we're honored that he chose to dedicate the piece to us. For all those in the area (or all those with friends or family in the area), join us in Cyprus on September 21 and 22.