Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed.

Brahms' lullaby

Brahms’ “Cradle Song: Good Evening, Good Night,” one of the most beloved lullabies around the world, sweetly conjures memories of comfort; it also happens to be a song our mothers sang to us during our earliest years. Our arrangement aims to capture the shift from wakefulness to dreamland, the repeating patterns evoking the oscillations of mobile over an infant’s crib.

— Greg Anderson & Elizabeth Joy Roe



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Based on Brahms' Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4

by Johannes Brahms
arranged for piano, four-hands by Anderson & Roe


Brahms/Anderson & Roe Lullaby recorded live on PRI's Performance Today. Click here to watch (Lullaby begins at 17:45).

Brahms/Anderson & Roe Lullaby recorded live on PRI's Performance Today. Click here to watch (Lullaby begins at 17:45).